Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday... here we are at week 2 (51 to go!).  Last week, it was really important to find my motivation.  It was important that I find the love back in my body.  This week it is time to get serious, and start to set goals and achieve them.  

Let’s review the weekend.  I know that my struggles are not isolated in my home alone, and I know that by sharing my struggles, as a community we can come together and rally around each other.  Friday night, my husband and I were insanely  bored.  We are saving up for a weekend trip to New York in a couple of months so we do not have much money to spend- however, we did find a gift card to the movies that we had not used yet.  It has been YEARS since my husband and I went to a movie in the theater.  How could we resist that Icees and popcorn?  We couldn’t.  We splurged.  We shared popcorn and I had a giant blue Icee and loved every minute of it.  If the movies are a once a year event (if that), I am not in danger of making this habit.  

Saturday we got up and worked out and did a killer treadmill workout (again, thank you Pinterest!).  Saturday evening, my brother and his girlfriend were over and I had prepped a roast in the crockpot but when it got down to it- that was just not what I was craving.  I caved- pizza it was.  And it was good.  I made an effort to eat till satisfied and not overly full.  Next came the drinks… of course there were drinks.  Vodka, and orange juice- my favorite.  I sipped slowly, and overall controlled an indulging evening which could have been much worse.  It was an inward battle of “right” and “wrong” between me and my body.  Finally I just let go, had some fun, but attempted to keep in moderation, which I believe I succeeded in.  

Sunday was a rest day and we were back on track as far as nutrition goes.  I even forwent my poolside drink (BIG DEAL= BIG WIN).  Every win counts right…??  

Here we stand at Monday- time to get some concrete plans in place so I am not floundering at the gym, which I found myself doing at the beginning of the week last week.  I have put together this tentative plan, and will try to stand by it as much as possible.  However, I do not want to get myself in such an OCD rut that if something derails, I become panicked and ready to give up.  Sounds crazy- but I am sure I am not the only girl who has this issue.  This plan is merely to keep me on some sort of guideline when I go to the gym.  There may be some days that I feel like switching it up, and my goal is to accept it, and do whatever it takes to stay motivated.  The pictures (from Pinterest) are what I did this morning. 


o   Monday
§  Arms with weights
·         Cable bench
·         Triceps
·         Shoulder exercises
·         Bar hang
§  Lower body cardio (see 2 pictures attached; I did them in picture order)
o   Tuesday
§  Legs with weights
·         Squats
·         Inner/outer thigh
·         Leg extension
·         Hamstrings
§  Body weight arms
·         Pushups
·         Burpees
·         Planks
§  Cardio
·         Elliptical
o   Wednesday
§  Cardio
·         Choice
o   Thursday
§  Arms with weights
·         Incline bench
·         Shoulder exercises
·         Lat pull down
·         Bar hang
·         Triceps
·         Biceps?
§  Lower body cardio
o   Friday
§  Legs with weights
·         Squats
·         Inner/outer thighs
·         Extension/curls
§  Body weight arms
·         Burpees
·         Pushups
·         Planks
§  Cardio
o   Saturday
§  Cardio  

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