Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why the Whole 30 Ruined Me

So here I am… post Whole 30.  Leaner, more defined, more energetic- and bitter!

Day 27, 28, 29, and 30 were met with such anticipation for Day 31.  Day 31 was weigh-day.  I stepped on the scale- 16 POUNDS LIGHTER; my husband- 24!!  Day 31 was a going to be a great day.  The day of freedom.  The day of wine and ice cream and treats.  It also happened to be a day that I promised my 2nd period a party for being so well behaved- and I was bringing the donuts. 

Day 31 arrived.  A wine glass (for rebellion’s sake) filled with orange juice started off the day.  It tasted pretty good- but really only in the “I’m doing something I am not supposed to be doing”-rebellious teenager- kind of way.  I get dressed for school, and pick up the party goods.  The bell rings- my angel children walked in- and BOOM- party time.  I start passing out the treats and donuts and start perusing the choices.  What was I going to indulge on first?

I COULD NOT DECIDE!!!  It was not the “ooohhh so many good choices where do I begin” decision- it was more of a “oh- I am going to blow 16 pounds for this?”  I did not see that coming.  One of the donuts had sprinkles. 

Side note: There is nothing better in this world than glitter on your nails and sprinkles on your food. 

I decided that this was going to be my first treat.  A glazed donut with sprinkles- perfection… except it wasn’t.  I tasted it- and was SO disappointed.  It tasted like plastic, and after I ate it, I was filled with shame.

I love donuts.  I love sprinkles.  How could I not love a sprinkled donut?!  And that is when it hit me- the Whole 30 RUINED me!  As a kid, you always look forward to the day the teacher wants to have a party- junk food bonanza.   As a teacher, you look forward to those days too for very similar reasons.  And now- that joy was gone.  The Whole 30 made me realize exactly what I was eating, and what was going into my body that anything less than a “whole food” and anything with more than 2 ingredients was a waste.  The remainder of the day I was in a funk.  I felt tired, cranky, and slightly depressed.  My head started hurting, my tummy started turning- and all for what?  Did I really put myself through misery for celebrating that I could consume poison in my body once again?

Fast Forward…

Time has gone on and several things have happened.  First my husband and I failed to plan out our meals (Day 31 was on a Monday and we were so fixated on Monday Funday) and by the end of the week we had nothing to cook- so it became easy to order in.  There was a HEAVEY price to pay.  The whole weekend my head was throbbing.  I was sleeping so restless and when the sugar high left, I felt depressed.  We have since jumped back on the wagon and are eating only Whole 30 approved foods- except for wine J

The Whole 30 was fantastic experience my husband and myself.  We loved it- and while it was strict, we strongly believe it has changed our lives for the better.  Down a significant amount of LBS, and feeling better than ever, my husband and I have signed up to run a half marathon together.  First time together ever.  Hooters Half Marathon, March 2nd… and yes- poison as it may be, we will celebrate afterwards J  The next day-, we plan to be back on the bandwagon. 

I hope the Whole 30 ruins you too- it will be the best decision you ever make. 

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